Famous Scroll Painting Among Treasures to Be Displayed at the Forbidden City This Month

Despite his young age and brief career, Wang is considered one of the great talents in an era when even the emperor was an aspiring painter of some talent. According to legend, Wang was a student of the Emperor Huizong [r. 1100-1126] who unfortunately spent a little too much time in the art studio and not so much watching the northern borders of his empire. Huizong and his entire court was captured by Jurchen invaders from Northeast Asia and carried off to the newly established Jurchen capital at Zhongdu (present-day Beijing).

Wang Ximeng’s painting was one of the treasures of the imperial collection and was a particular favorite of the Ming and Qing Emperors. Displaying such a priceless treasure requires great care.

"Unrolling the scroll might cause the paint to peel, so the painting has to 'rest' for a long time before it can be shown again," Wang Zhongxu, an associate researcher at the museum, said at Monday’s press conference announcing the exhibit, according to the Global Times.