Century of Humiliation

Barbarians at the Gate: The Destruction of the Yuanmingyuan (One from the Vault)

Barbarians at the Gate: The Destruction of the Yuanmingyuan (One from the Vault)

This month marks the 160th anniversary of the destruction of the Yuanmingyuan. In this episode, David and I talk about the events leading up to the looting and razing of the gardens and the shifting meaning of "National Humiliation" in China today.

Barbarians at the Gate: The Destruction of the Yuanmingyuan

Barbarians at the Gate: The Destruction of the Yuanmingyuan

This month marks the 160th anniversary of the destruction of the Yuanmingyuan. In this episode, David and I talk about the events leading up to the looting and razing of the gardens and the shifting meaning of "National Humiliation" in China today.

Pence Peeves Peking, MoFA Mocks Mike

Pence Peeves Peking, MoFA Mocks Mike

A speech by US Vice President Mike Pence earlier this month seemed to signal a tougher line against China. The two countries have a long complicated relationship but is Beijing correct when it accuses Pence of distorting history?

Massacre and Memory: 80 Years Later, the Battle over Nanjing Rages On

Massacre and Memory: 80 Years Later, the Battle over Nanjing Rages On

The Nanjing Massacre is a poignant example of how history and memory can become contested battlegrounds, even decades later

Xi Writes Himself into the Narrative of China’s Modern Rejuvenation

Xi Writes Himself into the Narrative of China’s Modern Rejuvenation

The Developed West ignores the message emerging from the 19th Party Congress at its own peril

Send Lawyers, Guns, and Money: A Short History of the Opium War

Send Lawyers, Guns, and Money: A Short History of the Opium War

A four-part history of the Opium War (1840-1842) for The World of Chinese Magazine.

The Burning of the Yuanmingyuan: 150 Years Later

The Burning of the Yuanmingyuan: 150 Years Later

The multiplicity of meanings associated with the Yuanmingyuan (The Old Summer Palace) and the complicated circumstances of its destruction make for fascinating history as well as an opportunity for the CCP's educational minions to leech that history of any real substance -- other than as a crude device to teach 'patriotism.'