Living in China

How to Avoid Getting Evicted in the Latest Round of Housing Demolitions

How to Avoid Getting Evicted in the Latest Round of Housing Demolitions

The forced eviction of some of Beijing’s most vulnerable residents has sparked a backlash with even Chinese state media offering (albeit tepid) criticism of the city’s handling of this latest round of “urban renewal.”

But it’s not just Beijing’s poor and migrant communities which are being affected. Many international residents are feeling the pinch as well. 

Will Beijing Enforce the New Restrictions on Traffic and Parking in the Hutongs?

Will Beijing Enforce the New Restrictions on Traffic and Parking in the Hutongs?

After a year of steadily taking away all our nice things, the Municipal government has decided to throw us a bone.

How to Order a Jiānbing in Mandarin

How to Order a Jiānbing in Mandarin

Ubiquitous. Delicious. Not entirely nutritious. You can find them on the street in Beijing and Brooklyn. They are a staple of both morning commuters and late night revelers, the apex snack, the Egg McMuffin of breakfast foods: The humble 煎饼 jiānbing.

A Teacher's Advice to His Students for Staying Safe During Spring Festival

A Teacher's Advice to His Students for Staying Safe During Spring Festival

As a teacher at a study abroad program here in Beijing, I feel it's my duty not only to introduce the wonders of Chinese civilization to impressionable young minds from America but also to keep them safe. Each year, it is customary for me to prepare a short talk to acquaint the students with the Spring Festival. Happy New Year to all and stay safe.

Walking the Pearl River Delta

Walking the Pearl River Delta

In 2015, The Guardian reported the Pearl River Delta region had overtaken Tokyo to become the world’s largest urban area in both geographic size and population. To find out what that looks like at ground level, I would walk 100 km from Guangzhou East Train Station to Shenzhen Bao’an International Airport.