Tang Dynasty

The Guangzhou Massacre of 889

The Guangzhou Massacre of 889

One of the good things about the annals of Chinese history is that it’s pretty easy to find an event which makes your horribly bad day seem like an afternoon shiatsu and steak. Such is the case with the Guangzhou Massacre of 889.

Musical Dynasties: A Band-by-Band Guide to Chinese History

Musical Dynasties: A Band-by-Band Guide to Chinese History

Which Chinese dynasty is most like the Sex Pistols? Which rap crew could have soundtracked the Khans? The rogue historian weighs in…

Telling “The Story of China” in Six Hours is Futile, But Give BBC Credit for Trying

Telling “The Story of China” in Six Hours is Futile, But Give BBC Credit for Trying

It’s hard to fault the producers of the BBC Two documentary “The Story of China” (being broadcast this summer in the US on PBS, viewable online) for perhaps falling into the trap of the old Chinese saying, “走马看花” — to view flowers while racing a horse — i.e. attaining a superficial understanding through cursory observation.

The Barbarian and the Babe

The Barbarian and the Babe

The story of An Lushan has been told so many times that it qualifies as Tang Dynasty slash fic. There is the aging emperor, his sensual concubine, and the exotic foreign warrior who comes between them. But this story is far more Byzantine than an 8th-century love triangle gone horribly sideways.