The Atlantic Monthly

Ambassadors Caught on Tape, China Edition

Ambassadors Caught on Tape, China Edition

The presence of US Ambassador Jon Huntsman at a protest site in downtown Beijing was enough for conspiracy theorists to start weaving stories of US collusion in the “Jasmine Revolution.”

Lessons from China's Revolution, 100 years later

Lessons from China's Revolution, 100 years later

While this might sound less like a turning point in Chinese history and more like the plot of a really bad Jack Black/Jet Li buddy comedy, the Wuchang uprising succeeded and memories of the 1911 Revolution continue to inform how China understands political change.

China: Not Quite a Revolution

China: Not Quite a Revolution

The CCP knows that they could never hope to suppress every single act of defiance in a country as large and diverse as China, so they have instead chosen to invest time, money, and energy in preventing these acts from linking together, either vertically across class lines or horizontally across geographic space.