Education in China

When will China re-open its doors for study abroad and educational exchanges?

When will China re-open its doors for study abroad and educational exchanges?

Jeremiah in Florida and David in Taiwan touch base and exchange updates on the evolving Covid-19 situation in China and elsewhere.

Barbarians at the Gate: Ideology and Education in China with Jiang Xueqin

Barbarians at the Gate: Ideology and Education in China with Jiang Xueqin

Educator Jiang Xueqin joins us in this episode to discuss ideology in schools, the effort to turn Chinese universities into “world-class” institutions, and cross-national educational projects and international schools in an era of Covid-19 and US-China decoupling.

Barbarians at the Gate: Raising Little Soldiers

Barbarians at the Gate: Raising Little Soldiers

Lenora Chu, journalist and author of the Little Soldiers: An American Boy, a Chinese School, and the Global Race to Achieve, joins us for part two of our discussion of education in China.

The Party Struggles to Keep Control of its Own History

The Party Struggles to Keep Control of its Own History

A series of controversial social media posts claim the Party is censoring the past to preserve its legitimacy in the present. Why is the Cultural Revolution such a sensitive topic these days?

China Revises University Entrance Exams to Get the Emoji Generation to Read More Classics

China Revises University Entrance Exams to Get the Emoji Generation to Read More Classics

The Gaokao is going back to the past in a bid to force a generation of emoji users to embrace their Classical Chinese roots.